Castle Peak
& Conundrum Peak
Castle Peak
& Conundrum Peak
September 14, 2024
Castle Peak and Conundrum Peak is a popular combo route outside of Aspen in the Elk Range.
Both rated as class two plus hikes, these are definitely the easiest peaks out of the seven 14ers in the Elk Range.

For me at least, the trickiest part is the drive up to the trailhead. After leaving Aspen you reach Pearl Pass Road which is pretty rugged with a small stream crossing, loose rock, and lots of ditches. This 4x4 road actually continues all the way to Crested Butte. 
Looking back from below the summit of Castle Peak. That's the 4x4 Montezuma Basin Road you can see on the mountainside.
High clearance and 4 wheel drive are essential and this was definitely the roughest access road I’d been on so far.
In my stock 4 wheel drive 4Runner we made it about 2.8 miles down Pearl Pass Road to 11,100ft (just over the bridge) as the sun was going down. We had a pretty epic ledge to sit on for dinner and a view. 

From our parking spot at 11,100ft we started up towards Castle Peak at 5:30am the next morning. After a single switchback we reached the junction with Montezuma Basin Road. There’s a pretty large area at the junction to park and camp and my 4Runner would have been fine getting to this point.
Sunrise views, the climb up to Castle Peak, and an overhead view of the traverse from Castle to Conundrum (video)
Brian and I continued hiking up Montezuma Basin Road as the sun rose and saw the road start to deteriorate even more with a significant drop off to the left. The end of Montezuma Basin Road reaches 12,800ft and there were a couple cars up here with some solid drivers, large off-roading tires, and extra lift. I stupidly forgot my sunglasses and Chad at the parking lot was kind enough to lend me some for the day. Shoutout to Chad. 

Brian and I continued over the boulder field before reaching the trail that ascends to the ridgeline. At this point we were moving alongside several other hikers and this part was pretty steep. The ridgeline up to Castle is probably the hardest route finding and climbing of the day. There’s a bit of exposure but nothing too bad. Before we knew it we were on top of Castle Peak (14,278 ft) three hours later at 8:30am looking at the beautiful Elk Range.
Climbers on the ridgeline up to the summit of Castle Peak
The weather was gorgeous and we moved over to Conundrum Peak (14,037ft) and back up to Castle in about 45 minutes.
The ridgeline between the two peaks isn’t nearly as bad as it looks and the only significant scrambling is near the summits. As I was told about the Elk Range there is a lot of loose, crumbling rock that appears to be solid so checking the hand and foot holds was really important. 

The standard route takes you back up and over Castle to safely descend the same route you came up. has some great pics and resources on this. There were a couple people butt sliding down the steep, loose gulley from the ridgeline to shave some time off but it looks pretty sketch.

The length of this hike really depends on how high up the road you can make it but with our start we clocked in at 3,900ft, 7.4 miles, and 7 hours (with a couple solid breaks). 
The ridgeline up to the summit of Castle Peak and the traverse down and back up to Conundrum Peak